Sunday, September 1, 2013

Day 14: Beach!

On the last day of our trip, we went to the beach to have a bit of relaxation. It was a beautiful resort sort of place. The day was amazing. That same day, we had some baptisms. We all had the opportunity to get baptized that day and 5 of us did. Natalia, Gabby, Carla, Jessica and I, Gabriela, all got baptized! It was so wonderful to finally be able to be baptized in El Salvador (The Savior). The last day was such a great way to end out trip I El Salvador. We went out for dinner later that night with the whole team. 

After dinner, we got together to say some words and goodbyes until next time. It was awesome hearing what everyone had to say and hearing how much the trip had impacted us all. 

Thank you to everyone who supported us, whether it was through prayer, donations, helping out, anything: you are all part of this team. Thank you and may God bless you all! 

Day 13: Last day with the kids

On day 13, we spent the morning at an orphanage and the afternoon back at Goldtree school.

We got to the orphanage a bit late in the morning, but still had enough time to interact with the kids. We set up a face painting station, music with Vanessa, games, and another part where Mr. Day showed the kids some pictures from the last 2 years that we've been there. They've all grown up so much! The kids were a bit shy at first, but after we started talking to them a bit more, they started talking and walking around the stations also.

At the music stations, Vanessa started playing some songs on her guitar. We always try to sing songs that have a Spanish version to them so they can sing along. A group of boys came over and sat down with her and started singing. Some of the boys were learning / already knew how to play guitar. At the end, Vanessa decided to donate her guitar to the orphanage. The boys we all so happy that they'd have a guitar to practice on!

After the orphanage, we went out for lunch quickly and went back to Goldtree. All the students were so happy to see us once again. We gave our talks to all the classes and played some games, talked to the kids. It was so much fun. Once we had to leave, we were all really sad. The students were sad that we wouldn't be coming back after that day!

- Gabriela