It was a little nerve wrecking for some of us, having to go back up in front of a whole class and speak but we trusted in God, that he would help us and it all went great!
I even volunteered to do some translating for Sara – something I never thought I’d have the nerve to do. That was a big step for me, and this whole trip has just helped me overcome my fear of public speaking. After we were done at that school, we went to a mall to do some shopping which was pretty fun. Dinner came after shopping not gonna lie; it was pretty funny, yet extremely embarrassing at the same time. It was a great day for all of us, so I thank God for giving us another amazing day full of funny stories and memories we can look back at. The trip is slowly coming to an end, and it’s pretty sad but I’m just so thankful that I’ve been able to spend this time with such amazing people who have become close friends. They are all blessings in my life.

- Gabriela and the Team
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