Saturday, August 30, 2014

Hard to say goodbye

Saturday August 30
Today was a FANTASTIC AMAZING day that we got to spend with great friends before saying goodbye for the next year. We had time for shopping at a local market and then several hours at the beach. To top off the day we had a beautiful and meaningful baptism service for Vanessa, Jessica, Bethany, Gaby, Carla and Kim. Jessica had the amazing opportunity to baptize a very good friend (Gaby) who I've gotten to know over the past 2 weeks.
It's always hard to say goodbye but we're already excited for next year's trip. We have had Stefani stay with us for the past week so we had the chance to get to know her better. We also had more time to spend with Carla and Abby this year so it was a lot of fun even though it makes it harder to leave them behind.
We had dinner at Tony Roma's tonight and a LOT of pictures taken throughout  the day. The entire team is so thankful that we all had this amazing opportunity to come to El Salvador. God provided for all our needs and took care of us through every adventure we had. Thank you to everyone who was praying for us back at home and around the world. Our prayer is that you would be as blessed as we were through all the prayers said on our behalf.
Thank you God for the way You met our needs even before we were aware of them ourselves. Please help us to be good stewards of everything You give to us and may we always keep You in front of us no matter where we go.
This post was written by Jess and Kim

1 comment:

  1. Hey Kim I love this post but you forgot to put my name as well for getting baptised.
