Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Saturday August 16

Today we went to Agularies to do activities with the children. When we got there we got set up but it did not go as planned as to what OUR plan was but all of us agreed it went according to God's plan because He has an amazing trip planned. I had such a fun day with the children that we got to meet for the first time and see children we had seen over the years and have grown up now. I love to see the children laughing and smiling no matter what we are doing. Even when the power went off we still had fun. One thing that I think is really awesome was going to Agularies and seeing the children's faces light up when they saw us and ran to see us. It just made my day to see new children and see children that we had built up relationships with over the years. I am so excited to see what God is going to accomplish in this church.
This post is by Jessica Saunders

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