Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Sunday August 24

Today we had a wonderful day in the churches at Agularies and Santa Ana. It was very emotional at Santa Ana since this would likely be the last time we see the people there on this trip. Vanessa sang with Aaron and Carlos again even though she had a cold; but her voice carried through and it is always heart-warming to hear her sing. The entire team was asked to stand and we were prayed for in our future endeavors. Allan spoke and referred back to yesterday's amazing day with the kids from the community of Santa Ana and challenged the church to keep in touch and bring the youth into the church. It is the responsibility of everyone and not just the pastor or youth pastor. Then we went to Agularies where we were so early early, the pastor arrived just after we got there! We had another great service with Allan issuing a challenge to draw in the children and the youth in the community and for the mothers of the church to pray for their children.

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