Sunday, September 1, 2013

Day 14: Beach!

On the last day of our trip, we went to the beach to have a bit of relaxation. It was a beautiful resort sort of place. The day was amazing. That same day, we had some baptisms. We all had the opportunity to get baptized that day and 5 of us did. Natalia, Gabby, Carla, Jessica and I, Gabriela, all got baptized! It was so wonderful to finally be able to be baptized in El Salvador (The Savior). The last day was such a great way to end out trip I El Salvador. We went out for dinner later that night with the whole team. 

After dinner, we got together to say some words and goodbyes until next time. It was awesome hearing what everyone had to say and hearing how much the trip had impacted us all. 

Thank you to everyone who supported us, whether it was through prayer, donations, helping out, anything: you are all part of this team. Thank you and may God bless you all! 

Day 13: Last day with the kids

On day 13, we spent the morning at an orphanage and the afternoon back at Goldtree school.

We got to the orphanage a bit late in the morning, but still had enough time to interact with the kids. We set up a face painting station, music with Vanessa, games, and another part where Mr. Day showed the kids some pictures from the last 2 years that we've been there. They've all grown up so much! The kids were a bit shy at first, but after we started talking to them a bit more, they started talking and walking around the stations also.

At the music stations, Vanessa started playing some songs on her guitar. We always try to sing songs that have a Spanish version to them so they can sing along. A group of boys came over and sat down with her and started singing. Some of the boys were learning / already knew how to play guitar. At the end, Vanessa decided to donate her guitar to the orphanage. The boys we all so happy that they'd have a guitar to practice on!

After the orphanage, we went out for lunch quickly and went back to Goldtree. All the students were so happy to see us once again. We gave our talks to all the classes and played some games, talked to the kids. It was so much fun. Once we had to leave, we were all really sad. The students were sad that we wouldn't be coming back after that day!

- Gabriela

Friday, August 23, 2013

Days 12: Back to Goldtree!

Hey everyone! Sorry for not updating you, but we had some very busy last days. 

On day 12, we went back to a school in Aguilares where we had been in earlier that week. All the kids were so happy to see us again! Some of us did our talks and then played some games with our classes. My class ended up having an intense soccer game, which we decided to stay out of. Salvadorians are violent when it comes to soccer! We stayed at the school for a few hours, and left later on. It was sad to leave the school because its become pretty special to us. We've been there for the past 2 years, so we've some little friends there. 
We quickly drove to get some lunch and then go back to our favourite school of all time, Goldtree! Goldtree is a school we were in last year for almost a full week. The whole team from last year made friends with the students there, so it was exciting to go back there and see our little friends. Our time there was a little different. We just sat with the students, playing games, talking to them, giving them salvation bracelets, just hanging out with them. Not all of them were there because there were parent/teacher meetings for progress reports. 

After we left the school, we drove up to "La Puerta del Diablo" which is a whole bunch of mountains. We climbed up and the view was absolutely beautiful. We stayed up there, took some pictures and just took in the amazing view. After that, we went to go get some dinner. The area we were at is known for its great view and delicious pupusas, so we had to get that for dinner! 

It was a great day, and definitely an awesome way to start wrapping up our 2 weeks.

- Gabriela 

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Day 11: Painted faces, singing, sun and games.

We spent the day at the Aguilares church today. The kids looked like they had a lot of fun playing catch with water balloons, soccer, and building a pyramid out of plastic cups without them collapsing.

Gabby was in charge of the face painting. Some people got flowers, butterflies and some vines. Other kids got a pair of glasses, a painted nose and a beard or mustache of some type. They looked very cute. Hopefully, you will see them in some photos.

There was a church service later in the afternoon. Jessica, Allan and Carla (of the YFC El Salvador Team) gave testimonies. Vanessa brought out her guitar and played songs and Sara, Jessica, and I joined her in singing the Revelation Song, Mighty to Save and Came to my Rescue. Towards the end of the service, the pastor prayed for Jessica and all those who were struggling with issues or health problems.

The theme of spoiling Karla and Stephanie continued today. Stephanie started crying when we were getting ready to leave. She hugged several people, possibly everyone on the team and we hugged her back. Karla also gave some hugs but chose to leave and stayed in the background. We still knew that she was crying along with her sister.   Even Karla and Stephanie’s mother showed emotion as she said thanks as we got into the van.   I am looking forward to hopefully seeing them and the rest of their family again next year.

- Debbie

Day 10: Schooled in Aguilares

What a wonderful day!! We headed off at 8AM for a school in Aguilares where many of the children and youth from the Aguilares Church attend.

We were greeted at the gates as we got out of the van by Stephanie, the older sister of Karla, the little girl who lives next door to the Aguilares Church and who I have grown so fond of over the last 2 years. I was hoping to also see Karla but we were told by Stephanie that Karla does not go to school because she was having problems. I later had a discussion with their mother and found out that Karla has a learning problem likely caused by an operation that she had when she was younger. Now she has hard time writing and is not able to read and is teased at school. Please lift up a prayer for Karla that she will get the help that she needs and that she will be able to return to school.

We started the morning with the primary classes, grades 3, 5 and 6 and later we spoke with grades 2 and 4. We had to change things a bit for the younger kids and the salvation bracelets went over great. All ages liked the bracelets and were able to recite the meaning of the 5 colours; even the teachers got into the excitement and wanted them.

About 11:30 we headed out for a quick lunch so that we could be back at the school for 1:00 and the senior grades 7, 8 and 9. The teachers said that we could have the older kids as long as we wish but as soon as the rains start around 3:00 that they send the kids home. This sounded strange until almost right at 3:00 the rain started and it came in so quick, then we understood as the hard rain bounced off the tin roofs and you could hear nothing in the classroom, our afternoon was finished. 

 We decided to treat Karla and her sister Stephanie to an evening with the team. Not sure who got the most out of it, the younger girls or the older ones.   We took them out for dinner, then shopping for a few items that they needed and then came back to the hotel for an evening swim. I don’t think I saw two young girls get too excited about an evening of activity and they were so tired by the time they settled down for the night. 

It was such a blessed day, I am so lucky to be part of this experience ... Thank You God for allowing me to be able to serve in this way.

- Allan Day

P.S.        Please keep the team in your prayers as we enter into the last days of this trip ... Our emotions are high and the experiences keep on coming.

Day 9: Sticky heat

Today was my first day visiting the schools. I joined the rest of the team in El Salvador Saturday night after 12 weeks of intense army training. It was a bit of a difficult transition, going straight from military life to a Christian missions trip, but today I was finally starting to feel settled.

In the morning we went shopping for souvenirs at the market, and in the afternoon we visited a school in Aguilares. We visited the same school last year, so it was nice to go back. We watched a school assembly and then gave talks to the classes. I had absolutely nothing prepared, which was scary but exhilarating. Before I went on the trip last year, I was terrified of talking in front of groups, and if I did I had to have everything written down and planned out. Something that God really taught me through that was how much I actually enjoy speaking in front of people about God and what he has done in my life. I realized that when we trust the Lord, he gives us the words to say that are tailored to the hearts of those who are hearing them. After that, I was able to have the courage to prepare for my talks less and less, and instead just speak from my heart and let God speak through me. It was really exciting and powerful, and since then, whenever I have to talk in front of people, I let God lead my words.

So, thinking about how scared I used to be of public speaking, it seemed crazy to me today when I stood in front of the class with no idea of what I was going to say. I started talking, and completely trusted God to speak through me, and it went well. Afterwards, I knew that God had led it in the direction he wanted.

The principal of the school asked us to stay longer, so we also led the classes in the "trust fall" activity and handed out Bible verse promises. Some of the kids really seemed to respond well to us being there. 

We left the school, drove back to San Salvador, went out for dinner at Bennigan's, and then had our nightly meeting. It was a great end to the day, and it's so awesome to be back in El Salvador doing missions work! I'm excited for the rest of the week.

- Vanessa 

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Day 8: Bye bye Santa Ana, hello Aguilares!

On Sunday, we had the oppertunity to go visit two churches. The church we were at in the morning was the same church we had been working with the whole week. I'm pretty sure everyone from the team would agree with me if I said, "The worship there is so amazing!" Everyone from the church looks like a big family which is surprising because the church itself has only been running for one year. We made so many awesome friendships with the kids there, so when it came time to say goodbye, it was pretty tough.
In the afternoon, we went to another church. The church's pastor is actually two YFC El Salvador team members' mom. The pastor's passion for reaching out to youth and children is so great! You can really see it by the amount of children that show up to church.

- Gabby 

Day 7: Family time!

Hellooo everybody!

First of all, I would just like to apologize for all the updates we've missed. We've been pretty busy and tired, but we're back to let you all know what's been going on down here in El Salvador!

This past Saturday we had the whole day off which meant relaxation at last! We finally got to sleep in, and we headed downstairs for some breakfast by the pool. It was such beautiful weather with a nice breeze and cute little birds singing (this sound super cheesy, but its true).

After breakfast, my whole day was already made. My grandmother and uncle from my dad's side came to visit me!! I hadn't seen them or had the opportunity to sit down and have a nice chat with them in almost two years! It was so exciting to be able to see them both and catch up. Not only that, but they brought me some pan dulce (sweet bread). Basically every Salvadorian's dream. They both left after a while, which I'm not gonna lie, made me pretty upset. But there's nothing a little shopping can't fix, am I right?

We did some shopping around the mall near our hotel. It was nice to have some time to just relax and have a girly day and go shopping together. Plus, we all actually got something! We had some lunch and drove back to the hotel. That afternoon, some other family members from my mother's side came over, along with some members from my grandmother's church. We held a church service for them at the hotel, gave them some snacks and coffee, of course, you can't forget that! Mr. Day spoke for all of us, and the whole congregation was so happy! Everyone was telling my how happy and grateful they were to have been invited to some visit me and also hear what we're doing here in El Salvador, and Mr. Day's talk as well.

After the church service, we went to a restaurant that's just full of typical Salvadorian food and it was absolutely deeeeeeelicious! We finally got to eat our precious pupusas! After our delicious dinner, we went back to the hotel, but some of us went back out to finally get our Vanessa!!!

We are so excited to have her join us once again, it didn't feel the some without our Vanessa.

Overall, this day was amazing! I had been looking forward to it all week and it definitely went above my expectations and for that, I have to the the man upstairs. So thank you, God!

- Gabriela

Day 6: Guitars and testimonies

Hey guys! 

Friday was a very relaxing day, we went to the church in Santa Ana again and held a youth service. The service was in the evening so all day we got to just hang out at the church with everyone in the team and the people at the church as well. At one point Sonyk, from the El Salvador team, got out Miguel's guitar and we looked up chords and played for a long time. 

It was a really fun day and we had a great turn out at the service and I gave my testimony. I really think it touched a lot of kids and over all the night was really great. Some kids even gave their lives to Christ and they were really happy to have us at their church. -Sara

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Day 5: Finding Strength in God

Hello everybody!

Today we went to two different schools in Santa Ana. The first school was full of younger children, from grades 1 to 6. I went to watch most people’s talks. It was really cool to see how everybody interacted with the students, and to see how much fun the kids were having. The morning classes were a bit of a break for me to see what everybody else’s talks were about. 

In the afternoon, we went back to the school from yesterday. I talked to two different classes. I thought I did kinda bad, but everyone said I did good with speaking to the students and it makes me happy. The team's wonderful comments and feedback is really supportive and inspires me to keep going and push through my anxiety. Not only do the teams comments help, but I also have the man upstairs, God, to help me out. It says in Philippians 4:13 "I am able to do all things through the one who strengthens me."

Overall, I think today went really well. Thank you all for your prayers and support to the YFC El Salvador mission. 

- Jessica Saunders

Day 4: Time for school!

Hola, hola, hola!

Today was a super amazing day! It was our first day of presenting our talks to the schools. From all the comments that I've heard and also personal experience, our talks went extremely well! Way better than expected for our first day. In comparison to last year, I think we’re all doing so much better. There is so much communication going on between us and the students and they love interacting with us. I think it builds a better relationship with them, which is pretty cool, getting to know them. 

In the evening, we had a special service at church, Casa de Bendicion. Mr.Day spoke for the people and I had to translate which didn’t work out as well, but an effort was made! All in all, today went great. We got to know so many people, and even invited the children to come out to our special service this Friday for more games, prizes and surprises.

A huge thanks to everyone back home praying for our mission. We are all so blessed to be used by God to spread his word to the ones who need to hear it. Hope you’re all well, God bless.

- Gabriela Alvarado 

Day 3: Sports, sports, sports.

Hey guys!

So today was a very long day so I’m going to keep this short. Today was a great day in a place called Santa Ana. We also visited the same community as yesterday but today was so much more organized and we got to just hang out with the kids for a while since we were there all day.  For me, that’s my favourite part, just sitting there and trying to speak Spanish to them. Also before we started the games, Gabriela, Natalia and I got to walk down the streets with a big banner and got kids to come with us, it was really cool.

The highlight of my day was getting a bunch of people to pray for a kid that broke his ankle yesterday at our camp. We were walking and saw him in his wheel chair with his cast on his ankle so we went to talk to him. I decided we should pray for him so his family invited us into his home and we all prayed together, it was very powerful and I was happy to be the one who lead it. Mr. Day also just told us that his parents are planning on coming to our Friday’s service and Miguel mentioned how the organization works with places like the church in Santa Ana and by doing things like praying for the boy it is reaching out to the parents as well, which benefits the church, therefore doing the mission.

Also, after the youth camp today we ask if anyone would like to do a salvation prayer to accept Christ into their life and 4 of the kids did it and were excited about it, which got all of our heads and hopes up high and was a good feeling for the team. We went to a beautiful restaurant that we visited last year and went to the top of the building and saw the view with all of the lights, it was so beautiful. So all in all I am just so excited for tomorrow to continue in the beautiful community. God bless.
-Sara Schoenherr

Monday, August 5, 2013

Day 2: First day in Santa Ana

Hello everyone!

Today was our first real day of hard work and to top it all off, it was in the scorching sun of Santa Ana! We headed over to this small community this morning at 8 AM. We got to the church that we will be attending this coming week, Casa de Bendicion. It is such a beautiful place, with a whole bunch of flowers, they are just so gorgeous!

After meeting up with the pastor, youth pastor and some of the kids, we headed over to a field where we would be setting up our "Olympic games".  Once we got to this field, there were already so many kids there, ready to play with us. They played a short soccer game and once it was over, we headed to Pollo Campero for some lunch. Gabby Whelan said it was some amazing chicken!

Once we got back from our lunch break, we set up our Olympic games. I will admit, it was a bit unorganized and confusing, but we managed to make it work out. Either way, the kids had an awesome time and that's all that really mattered to us.

The heat got to some of us, and it was a bit annoying. We were all sweating buckets in our jeans (not happening ever again, no more jeans for us!) and pressing our cold water bottles to our foreheads to keep cold for a few seconds. The heat hit some of us pretty hard, and also some lack of sleep which made us pretty cranky and just plain lazy. At the end of the day, we made it all work our for the children and worked together to somewhat get back on track.

Throughout the day, some of us made some adorable, little friends. We met some of the cutest and sweetest little boys and girls, that we immediately fell in love with them. They are all just so precious, we wanna take 'em back home with us! We just kept asking for more and more abrazos y besitos (hugs and kisses). 

Even though it was kind of a rough day, and some of us got a bit irritated, we still work it out as a whole and manage to focus on our mission, which is to serve our Father.

Thank you all back home for your prayers and wonderful messages. We hope you're all doing well and that you are enjoying your summer. God bless you all!

- Gabriela and the team.

Day 1: Amazing first day

Hey friends,

Well, we had our first whole day here in El Salvador and it was action packed. Because of the time change,
I woke up at 5:30 AM. We had breakfast and Salvadorian coffee. You all would love it. 
We spent the morning in the church that many of our friends here attend. I was so happy and delighted because after a whole year of waiting, I finally saw my best friend here, Sofia. I really love her. She was waiting for me with a 'Welcome Back' balloon. She is so cute! 

We went for lunch in the food court near the church. Everyone stared at me and others. The most beautiful Starbucks in El Salvador is in this mall so I had to get something. It had been two days after all. 
After lunch we went back to the hotel to discuss and prepare for what we will be doing for the next two weeks while we are here. We will be holding mini kids/youth camps with 'Olympic' games as well as many team building activities. I am quite excited for the Olympics. After figuring out exactly what the plans were, a few of us drove to Walmart and bought supplies for all the activities that we will need for the two weeks in the schools and in the churches. I was in the front seat of Tato's car and I felt so free. It's the first time in two years that I was in a car without the whole team. 

Some of Gabriela's family came to visit her at the hotel and we all had a nice time talking with them. Since it was late and we hadn't eaten yet, we went for dinner at Tony Roma's. Since it's the rainy season here in El Salvador, there was a huge thunder storm. Usually they happen at night so they don't really bother us. 

It's pretty late, technically it's midnight right now. 
We have to be out the door by 8 AM tomorrow... Going to be a busy and long day. Looking forward to visiting a very poor area in Santa Ana and seeing all the kids.

- Natalia 

Like Natalia mentioned, some of my family come over to our hotel to visit me. I was so happy and super excited to be able to see my amazing relatives. Each time they come to see us, they are so loving and sweet to the rest of the team, which makes me happy. It's great to know how much they like the people I've come to El Salvador with to serve our Heavenly Father. 

I don't always have the opportunity to come visit my whole family, which is quite a lot of people, which is why I am so thankful for our leader, Allan Day. He always gives me the opportunity to meet up with them and at least spend a few minutes together, which is not a lot but still means the world to me. Being able to serve God and the people of my country is amazing, but also being able to see my family is a huge bonus. I am so extremely blessed and thankful, and I owe it all to God. 

Overall, this was a perfect day. 

- Gabriela

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Safe and sound

Quick post to let you all know that we have arrived in El Salvador, safe and sound! 
The team has managed to get here safely and perfectly fine. We've settled down at our hotel and got some time to relax and catch up on our sleep and also meet up with the YFC El Salvador team for some last minute planning and going through our schedules for our 2 weeks of hard work. We'll be visiting some churches tomorrow and start our mission. 
Thank you all so much for your prayers, they are greatly appreciated. 

Blessings! :)