Thursday, August 8, 2013

Day 4: Time for school!

Hola, hola, hola!

Today was a super amazing day! It was our first day of presenting our talks to the schools. From all the comments that I've heard and also personal experience, our talks went extremely well! Way better than expected for our first day. In comparison to last year, I think we’re all doing so much better. There is so much communication going on between us and the students and they love interacting with us. I think it builds a better relationship with them, which is pretty cool, getting to know them. 

In the evening, we had a special service at church, Casa de Bendicion. Mr.Day spoke for the people and I had to translate which didn’t work out as well, but an effort was made! All in all, today went great. We got to know so many people, and even invited the children to come out to our special service this Friday for more games, prizes and surprises.

A huge thanks to everyone back home praying for our mission. We are all so blessed to be used by God to spread his word to the ones who need to hear it. Hope you’re all well, God bless.

- Gabriela Alvarado 

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