Sunday, August 21, 2011
Day 15 & 16: The end
Friday, August 19, 2011
Day 13 & 14: The Holy Spirit moves
To be honest, I'm completely exhausted from these two weeks, emotionally and physically. In the last few days, it has been more obvious that my body is tired. I know that God has given me the energy to wake up every day, even if I only got a few hours of sleep and I thank Him for doing that because I can't do it without Him. The first few days of the mission trip were emotionally exhausting because I didn't know what to expect when we started our talks in schools. The first school was such a shock and just really helped us prepare better for the rest of the schools. God has a purpose for everything and even though the first school wasn't the best experience, He still used it to challenge us and teach us something.
I can't believe that we're done. It's been kind of confusing how these two weeks have passed by. I feel like at times, it was really fast but at the same time, I feel like we've been here for more than two weeks. For some people, it's hard to believe that this was a mission trip since we didn’t build homes, schools, etc. But I believe with all my heart that this was a mission trip and that God’s hand was upon us. It would’ve been awesome to build something, to be honest but for me, the kind of mission trip that we had was a lot more challenging than building a school or a house. I think I can speak for the whole team that God has really taught us, shown us and provided us with so many things during these two weeks. I thank Him for allowing us to serve Him and others and for loving us so much.
Yesterday (August 18th), we had the chance to sleep in (YAY!) and it was really rewarding. There was also a devotional going on in the hotel and we heard that it was spiritually and emotionally amazing. After lunch, we headed to “Iglesia del Nazareno Madre Tierra” and it was exciting for me since I got to see my friends :D and it was also exciting for Alex since he got to play the drums haha. There weren’t that many youth or children since we decided to visit the church at the last minute but there were still some people. So Alex juggled and helped some people try it as well and he also showed them the Chinese yo-yo, which more people tried and it was really fun. Mr. Day also gave a short talk and then we played some games. The pastor of the church basically let us come and hang out with them, which was really nice. We hung around there for the afternoon and then had to go to another church at 7 PM.
The next church also welcomed us and had us sit at the front. We had some worship music (which wasn’t so great but God still appreciates it) and then Mr. Day talked for a while, then Nicki gave her testimony and then Julie did. We also had a surprise! Kirsten shared her testimony. The Holy Spirit just moved her and she asked to share her testimony at the last minute. Praise the Lord for working in Kirsten’s heart! After all the testimonies and Mr. Day’s talks, the church prayer bombed us. It was such a moving experience again, to see a group of people who don’t know us, pray for us! Many of our group members don’t understand Spanish but the Holy Spirit still moved them. The Holy Spirit moves no matter what language you speak.
I’m SO thankful for all the people we have met in the past two weeks. I can’t describe how.. amazing, God is. I use amazing a lot because I really don’t know how to grasp God. He’s so big and powerful and almighty and there is none like Him. Every time we receive a prayer bomb, I cry because I can feel the love God has for us. I’m so exhausted writing this but I couldn’t wait any longer to tell you how awesome God is. I’m so sad that these two weeks are over. I’m sad that I won’t wake up early in the morning, relying on God’s power to give me energy and seeing lovely faces in the mornings and afternoons. I’ll miss spending time with the group from El Salvador and as well as our group from Canada. I wish we were doing this for a month!
God can definitely give us a mission at home as well. Maybe there’s someone He wants you to reach out to. Maybe He wants you to give up something in order for you to have a wonderful relationship with Him. Maybe He’s challenging you at work, at school or at home. Maybe He’s challenging you to follow Him and believe in Him. Maybe He wants you to spend more time with Him in prayer or reading His word. Maybe He wants you to start something with your friends to help others. Whatever it is, I pray that He challenges you and I pray that you have the heart to listen and follow whatever He tells you to do. I know it’s hard. It’s been hard for me too but trust me when I say that, it is such a wonderful feeling once you follow Him and do what He wants you to do. You feel at peace and life just feels so right. You will feel closer to Him and you’ll want more of Him.
I’m sorry if my posts never make sense, I’m exhausted but the Holy Spirit helps me every time, to type this up.
Today (August 19th), we got the chance to travel around El Salvador :D It was quite tiring but lovely! We’re quite sad that the two weeks are over. One more day in El Salvador left!
Hmm… I think right now, prayers for a safe trip home would be awesome. Also that YFC El Salvador really grows after everything we have done these past two weeks and all the youth and children that we met and saw, can find Christ (if they haven’t) or commit their lives to Him. Hopefully some also contact YFC El Salvador. If there’s anything else you think we need, please pray for that as well.
Thank you so much for keeping up with us!
God bless,
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Day 12: God connects His church
Hello everyone!
I'd just like to praise God for who He is. I've turned my back from Him so many times and yet, He still loves me, and He is still working in my life and blessing me so much! He always has His arms open and ready to receive us when we truly run to Him and seek Him. He is such an incredible creator. We are nothing without Him. Lately, I've been learning how blind we can be to our sins. Sometimes, we don't even realize how far away we are from God. It's such a scary feeling, being away from God. If I had to volunteer for 6 months in another country, I couldn't do it without God. It’s our choice to give our life to Him, not just part of our life but every single thing in our life. The way we act, the way we talk, the music we listen to, what we were and who our friends are CAN affect our relationship with God and from my experiences, it has often pulled me away from God. So I pray that God may challenge to give your life to Him and that He may show you the purpose to your life. It won’t be right away but keep praying and talking to God, keep seeking Him to learn what plans He has for you.
Today, we went back to Centro Escolar “Caserio Comunidad Fe y Comunidad San Diego, El Paisnal, San Salvador, El Salvador, which was the school we got to visit in the afternoon yesterday (August 16). Since the school is so small, the kindergartens to 4th grade goes to school in the morning and 5th grade to 9th grade go to school in the afternoon. Yesterday, we talked to the older students but today we had the children. Again, we had different stations like we always do. We had games, bracelets, karate, juggling and the Chinese yo-yo (we ran out of balloons) and story time about Canada or any questions that the children had. When we got there, the students had a breakfast break and a lot of them were eating rice pudding (except, it was more like liquid instead of pudding) Many of them wanted their picture taken haha and kept posing, it was pretty funny. Again, I was helping out in games. The kids weren’t actually too bad and they understood games so well that we basically just let the play the game by themselves. They really enjoyed playing the Octopus game! Unfortunately, two girls crashed into each other and we had to stop playing in the area we were in but we continued to play the game in a narrower area. Usually, the stations get out of hand and we lose the order of transition but today, everything worked out very well! Some kids were hoping that we were staying there for the whole afternoon hehe. It was very cute! I forgot to mention that there was a boy in a group that had cancer on his left eye. It was a little hard to stare away and treat him differently to be honest, but he was just like every other kid. I pray that God keeps him safe.
We went out to lunch and just relaxed for a bit. For once, we were actually quite early to the church, yay! We just hung around for a bit and got used to the place. Some of us played soccer to waste the time while others got distracted by music (Alex was very happy to be able to play drums again). We also helped set up the chairs for the service. People started to arrive early and I went out to the front, the entrance. While I was walking out, I recognized someone right in front of me. It was a boy named, Ronnie (not sure if you spell it that way) who was at the school in the morning! I told him to come over but he didn’t listen to me. Fortunately, one of the women at church went to get him and he went over to sit down with the rest of the kids. Allan, Nicki and I were blessed and had the opportunity to speak to the adults. We all shared our testimony. Since many of you don’t know, my Spanish has become pretty bad and it’s like I translate in my head, so that makes my Spanish confusing. Tonight though, God was telling me to do it in Spanish, even if I mess up and even if I confuse myself sometimes. He told me that He would speak through me and help me get through this. He did exactly what He told me. I told my testimony in Spanish, messed up a few times but the people at church understood me a lot better and I think it was easier for them to relate. It was such a blessing to be at that church today. Everyone was very welcoming. They invited the group to go up to the front and everyone prayed for us. They truly cared about what we were doing and how much God will do through us. Many came up to me after and encouraged me. I honestly felt like home, it felt SO good to be there and I definitely felt the presence of God. Everyone else was helping out with the kids outside and unfortunately weren’t able to listen to the service but still, God works everywhere.
I think it’s incredible how people are opening up their churches and schools to us and allowing us to share our experience and help out the youth. I didn’t really know what to expect during this mission trip to be honest and it has been quite an experience. This mission trip is a lot different than any other mission trip that I’ve done. I’ve had bad experiences but mostly good experiences. Even from the bad experiences, God has taught me so much through this mission trip. I can’t believe it has been more than a week and we are almost done!
Tomorrow, we are visiting the church I grew up in! It’s called “Iglesia del Nazareno Madre Tierra.” We’ll be meeting youth and maybe even children. I’m kind of selfishly excited since I’ll see my friend but also because I’ll be in the church I grew up in and it’s so special! I thank God that He allowed our team to visit this church. We will also be going to another church at night for a service. I’m not really sure what will happen but God is always doing good.
Pray that our team commits to God in these last few days and make the best of them. Pray that God reaches down to us and speaks to us. Thank you for your prayers! Prayer is so powerful and even more powerful when His children unite.
God bless you all!
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Day 11: God continues to do His work
Good Evening:
Hola everyone!
This is my first time writing on the blog, so bear with me.
So far, this trip has been very eventful and full of surprises for me. I came onto this missions trip totally not knowing what to expect, just knowing that I was sent on this trip by God, and God alone, and that I was coming to serve Him. I am so happy that I am able to be here! I love El Salvador, it is so beautiful here! It really gives me such a deeper appreciation for God's creation. The culture and the way people live here is totally opposite from the way we live in Canada. We are so blessed to always have access to clean water, plenty of food, shelter, and clothing. Many of the people here in El Salvador don't always have access to all of these necessities. However, they are some of the most happiest, kindest, and caring people I have ever met, with such a huge love for life. This has really opened my eyes.
I'm going to start talking a little about the last couple days of the trip. Yesterday was probably one of my favourite days of the trip so far. There were many hyperactive kids at the orphanage that we went to - but I think that was partially to do with all of the candy that we gave them! There were a number of different stations that we organized for the kids to play at, as I believe that Laura has already mentioned below. Nicki and I were in charge of games, and we played the “Human Knot” and “Octopus” (aka “Pulpo”). It was crazy! Many of the kids would not stay with their groups, in fact a lot of them liked playing the game “Pulpo” so much that they surrounded me and Nicki and went on some kind of riot, shouting “Pulpo! Pulpo! Pulpo!” It was lots of fun though, no matter how hot it was, or how tired we were. I made a strong connection with a few of the kids, and spent the day giving them piggyback rides and playing and talking with them. One of the little girls even sang me some songs! There was one girl though in particular who would not leave my side, she was so sweet! She took my hand and showed me around her home, the orphanage, and it seemed really nice compared to most of the other communities that we had seen, which kind of surprised me because it was clear that despite the resources, these kids were not being cared for very well. They were very dirty, and they all seemed so desperate for love and affection, which they may have been deprived of in their lives. Although all of these children had been through so much heartache and abandonment in their lives, they still had such a joy for life. I believe that God wants us to be this way, to have a joy for life like that of a child. It was very hard for me to say goodbye.
Today was a lot more relaxed than yesterday, which was a bit of a relief. I won't repeat everything that Mr. Day has already said, but I'll just go over it. The devotion at the En-Hacore Christian School was really nice, some of the students sang some worship songs, and then we got to hear some testimonies and messages from the team. In the afternoon, we went to another school and broke off into 2 groups to talk to some classes. For the first class, I was pretty nervous and felt a little unprepared and unsure of myself to talk to the students. But then I prayed about it and just asked God to give me the words to say, because I didn't know how to talk to these kids. I didn't want to tell these kids words that came from my own mind, but God's words spoken from my heart. Only once I tried to let go of control and just trust in Him to help me was I able to feel a lot more comfortable and at ease. On the ride back to the hotel, there was a storm and it was raining hard. We were on one of the most dangerous roads around, nicknamed “Death Road” because of the many car crashes that have happened on it. It is a very narrow road with no speed limit, so cars often drive very faster, apparently up to 185 km per hour! It also did not help that the roads were slippery from all the rain, and Bethuel was driving!(hehe J) We prayed for safety for the drive home, and here we are safe and sound!
Thank you all for following along with the blog and please continue to keep us in your prayers!
Day 10: "One Candy, Please!"
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Day 9: Communities in need
"And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, with whom you were sealed for the day of redemption." - Ephesians 4:30
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Day 8: JPC Campamento
Today was so great getting to interact with the kids that came out to our mini camp. Although they were not all the ideal age to be getting their faces painted, everyone was very involved and having a good time. The most surprising moment of the day was when we found out that one of the teams for our camp was actually a group of adults. We were all wondering how a bunch of grown men and women were going to enjoy making salvation bracelets, learn how to juggle, play team building games and get their faces painted, all of which the kids love. But wow, they were so enthusiastic and loved every moment of the activities! The kids were wonderful and the adults threw us a curveball, making a fantastic day. It was definitely a lovely change from our regular school talks and allowed us to just spend some time with the kids. I'm not going to lie, today took a lot out of me, from the two camps, long drives, and late soccer games but God never ceases to provide energy for us throughout the day. I am going to make this post short and sweet because I am probably going to fall asleep any minute but I am looking forward to another action packed day tomorrow of camp!
Day 7: God rewards those who trust Him (August 12)
Hola everyone!
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Day 6: Trusting God
Yesterday was a challenge for all of us. Like Nicki, I was so nervous and scared that the students would make fun of me. I was so nervous that I talked quickly but thankfully, we had Bethuel and Maria with us to finish the time we had left. I know that God definitely had a purpose for those challenges that we had to face in the school.
Day 5: God's Challange (August 10)
After the first mini section, we asked the students what they wanted to be when they grow up. One girl told us she wanted to teach students with special needs. She said she believed in God too and she knows He loves all of His children and He sees potential in them. This young woman is probably about 17 years old and she demonstrated a boldness and ease in sharing her faith that I admire. In a country with a lot of darkness, she is really shinning God's love.
Tomorrow, we are heading back to another school and will be giving 5 more presentations and teaching some English. Please keep praying for our team and the students that we will be encountering. Personally, I am really praying for God to continue to place opportunities in the teen’s lives for them to grow. God has really been challenging us as a team. We have faced a few difficulties and frustrations but are learning a lot from it. Thank you for all your support so far, it is amazing to know that we are not on this journey alone but we have God and amazing support back home.
During our breakfast devotion, I shared a passage from Jeremiah 1:6-10
"Then said I, Ah, Lord GOD! behold, I cannot speak: for I am a child. But the LORD said unto me, Say not, I am a child: for thou shalt go to all that I shall send thee, and whatsoever I command thee thou shalt speak. Be not afraid of their faces: for I am with thee to deliver thee, saith the LORD. Then the LORD put forth his hand, and touched my mouth. And the LORD said unto me, Behold, I have put my words in thy mouth. See, I have this day set thee over the nations and over the kingdoms, to root out, and to pull down, and to destroy, and to throw down, to build, and to plant."
I love this passage and I find it both really comforting and really challenging. It really ended up going well with our day.
- Nicki
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Day 4: Painting and Awesome Kids!
- Natalia
Monday, August 8, 2011
Day 3: The little children
This morning, God gave me this verse. "People were also bringing babies to Jesus to have him touch them. When the disciples saw this, they rebuked them. But Jesus called the children to him and said, 'Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. I tell you the truth, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.'" Luke 18:15-17
Alex Wickham
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Day 2: God is Great!
Praise God for everything He does and for bringing His children together! It was a bit hard to wake up this morning but God gave us a bit of energy to survive the day. It was funny actually, I have no alarm and no phone in my room, so the only way that I can get up is by my own body clock or someone knocking on the door but the Spirit helped me wake up right at 8 AM, the time we had to wake up. I was so happy hehe. Today, we went to church from 10 AM to about 12:30 PM. Service was great! You could tell that the Spirit of God was working in the people and that we were there to truly worship and praise God. The USA team that are traveling around are so very musically talented and it was a great time of worship. God is so good that our brother, Bethuel, actually got the opportunity to do the sermon for this morning! It was hard to say good-bye to the USA team because God just really connected all of us so fast. Today, we just spent a lot of time preparing, at a park, for the days coming up. Hopefully we can get even more photos up but for now, there are 2 of them just to tease you ;) (Well, one from yesterday and one today!) Please continue to pray for us! God bless you all!
- Laura
Prayer request:
- Love for the people of El Salvador and the people that are helping us out
- We are visiting an orphanage tomorrow (August 8th) so may God work through us and may we be able to serve the orphans and the people working there
- More energy!! hehe
Saturday, August 6, 2011
First Day in El Salvador
It has been quite a busy and tiring day of traveling but God has blessed us so much today! We arrived in El Salvador at around noon (well, 2 pm Canada time) and everything went well. We had the great opportunity to meet a team from USA that are helping out with YFC in Honduras and although it was a bit awkward at first, the Spirit just worked in both the teams and God connected us through worship and prayer. By the end of the night, we were all getting along, chatting and not wanting to say good-bye! The Lord definitely knows what He`s doing and He always has a plan :) We are so thankful to have this opportunity to serve Him, learn the culture and the language of El Salvador as well as to meet wonderful children of God.
- Laura
It was quite a day. We are all so tired, but so intense and ready to begin this great mission. It is now 11:30 which is 1:30 back home, and many of us have been up for over 40 hours and we have had very little sleep. We have been so blessed by all that has happened so far, even though we have not even really started. To have our US brothers and sisters here at the same time was such a lift to us, to be able to have a time of worship and prayer with 4 countries gathered together under one roof and to have us all here for the same purpose was such an amazaing time. You could feel the Spirit of the Lord was with us and everyone felt the same way. Oh... I hear thunder in the background and I hear the rain on the roof... must be time to go to bed. We will put more up tomorrow and will try and get some pictures up. Please do not stop praying for us and we need a prayer that our energy will continue over the next few days as we get use to the climate.
Blessings to you all at home. We are praying for you all.
- Allan
Ps. Feel free to comment!
Prayer requests:
- Energy, lots and lots of energy!
- Again, for the Holy Spirit to work in us
- That the language is not an obstacle
- Be examples of Jesus and His love
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Mission Trip To El Salvador
- Safe trip to El Salvador and that everything goes well
- Obedience to the Holy Spirit
- For the language or translation to not be an obstacle
- May God work through us and teach us through the youth as well
- For the youth to have open hearts