Today was a really big day. It was our first opportunity to go into the schools and give a talk. We had the opportunity to interact with the children in the orphanage but this was really our first day to formally present a message. I was so nervous. I really struggle with fear and stepping out of my comfort zone. This is something that God has really been working on in my life recently and this trip is just taking that to the next level.
This morning was spent preparing for the talks we were going to be giving to the schools. We were all a little apprehensive and unsure of what we were getting into. The plans kept changing and we did not know the information about the age groups, the space we had, the class room sizes, even the time or number of presentations. As someone who loves to have everything really planned out, it was a huge challenge to let go and leave things in God's hands.
In my group, there was Julie, Natasha and two members of the El Salvador team, David and Ali. We were going to a public school to talk about your future and your character in terms of integrity and moral value. We got into the first classroom and it was almost a train wreck from the start. The teens were not very receptive or attentive. It was really hard for us to stay focused and confident when the boys were making inappropiate comments. We went through our planned talked way too fast and really struggled to fill the time. We were so blessed to have Alejandra and David who stepped in and really helped us out.
We left the class and had a few moments to regroup. I honestly did not want to go back and do another talk butthis is the task that God has laid out for me and I really felt that I couldn't back out. Before going in, Alejandra told us to speak from the heart. With Alejandra's advice ringing in our ears, we started the second talk with renewed confidence. I literally crumpled up my notes (if you know me, you will know that is big) and handed it over to God. The difference in the presentation was incredible. We all spoke more freely and comfortably. We were able to work in little stories about how God has helped us and it seemed like some kids got something out of our experiences. Meeting with this students once to give a one hour talk is not going to allow us to see instant growth and results but we are planting seeds. I really hope these students got something out of today that left them curious about God.
After the first mini section, we asked the students what they wanted to be when they grow up. One girl told us she wanted to teach students with special needs. She said she believed in God too and she knows He loves all of His children and He sees potential in them. This young woman is probably about 17 years old and she demonstrated a boldness and ease in sharing her faith that I admire. In a country with a lot of darkness, she is really shinning God's love.
Tomorrow, we are heading back to another school and will be giving 5 more presentations and teaching some English. Please keep praying for our team and the students that we will be encountering. Personally, I am really praying for God to continue to place opportunities in the teen’s lives for them to grow. God has really been challenging us as a team. We have faced a few difficulties and frustrations but are learning a lot from it. Thank you for all your support so far, it is amazing to know that we are not on this journey alone but we have God and amazing support back home.
During our breakfast devotion, I shared a passage from Jeremiah 1:6-10"Then said I, Ah, Lord GOD! behold, I cannot speak: for I am a child. But the LORD said unto me, Say not, I am a child: for thou shalt go to all that I shall send thee, and whatsoever I command thee thou shalt speak. Be not afraid of their faces: for I am with thee to deliver thee, saith the LORD. Then the LORD put forth his hand, and touched my mouth. And the LORD said unto me, Behold, I have put my words in thy mouth. See, I have this day set thee over the nations and over the kingdoms, to root out, and to pull down, and to destroy, and to throw down, to build, and to plant."
I love this passage and I find it both really comforting and really challenging. It really ended up going well with our day.
- Nicki
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